Well, it's now time for New Year's Eve resoutions. So here goes: My resolution is to not resolve anything! It seems as though the more I try to resolve to do such and such and try to do good, the more I get myself into trouble.
How about if I live for today (not for what's on down the road, or what I get to do later on).
Eat to live, not live to eat!
Do the stuff I need to do now, not worry about what I might need to do in the future.
I other words, If I resolve to do "stuff" then I am saying that the future is where I'm living, not the here and now.
I know I'm not saying this very well, but I guess that's the way it is. If I'm going to enjoy life at all and not be stressed about it all, then I'm going to have to stop expecting things of me that are unrealistic. No more demands.
Do good for anyone who needs it at the moment.
Love God.
Live by faith that He (and only He) will take care of me.
Take my vitamins every dayif possible. Do my workout as often as possible.
No more demands.
Happy New Year!